2013年10月29日 星期二




  1. 与自己的桌子拍照。(我个人是觉得这个想法很可爱因为谁会想到要和桌子拍照啊?)
  2. 拜访自己最尊敬的老师,拍拍照,说说话。(虽然这件事情我常做,但是我真的很舍不得老师们)
  3. 在变形湖旁野餐。(超酷的,希望我们可以成功办成)
  4. 认真的逛校园一趟。(这真的要认真,毕竟是最后的一次了)
  5. 玩Bowling。(这个是我想的。超好玩的。)
  6. 太阳升起前,到操场跑步。(本来今天要做的,但是下雨了。)
  7. 抓拍同学们在学校生活的瞬间(这个不是我的本能,谁叫我天生是明星,不是狗仔!)
  8. 与全班或一帮好朋友拍照。(这个必做啦!)
  9. 与要好的朋友拥抱。(这个。。。)
  10. 让同学们在校服上签名。(校服就不用洗啦!)



2013年10月25日 星期五

Finally back after two years!!!

It has been two years since I updated my blog. Recently, I read other's blog about their outfits, their feelings and their lives. So, I decided to blog again after the long rest. As my first post of this 'new' blog, I would like to write about my recent feelings.

Today is two days after the UEC exam. To relax and input myself are all I want to do. I seriously didn't know that the Running Man show is so entertaining yet enjoyable until I watch it from my music teacher. OMG! The hosts are so cute and talented. And The Running Man Show is the best variety show that I have ever watched!!!Hooray!! Let's shout for Running Man!!!I mean, no other show has given me that much of laughter and  fun that this show has been able to provide.

Looking forward to seeing Running Man in Malaysia!

To input myself, I am going to read a book!Ha! This book is written by Nick Vujicic. It is 'UNSTOPPABLE'! I am probably going to finish this book in two weeks time cause I need to finish watching The Running Man show too! Tell you more about Unstoppable on following post!

A nice book to read - Unstoppable

两年了!我终于再次写部落格了!在考完统考后,第一篇贴文就是有关我的废人生活!我最近超级无敌爱看RUNNING MAN!!! 怎么会这么好看?我最喜欢里面的宋智孝!虽然她有时候会傻傻的,但是她最后还可以在游戏中取得胜利!是不是很厉害啊!真不愧是ACE!

